

Chindex Medical Announces the Renewal of its TRACE Membership

Chindex Medical announces the completion of its TRACE membership renewal for 2013 to 2014. Chindex Medical is among nearly 4,000 commercial intermediaries, such as agents and distributors, which have completed the rigorous qualifications required to gain intermediary membership in TRACE.

Intermediary members of TRACE must participate in and complete an extensive background review, have in place an effective written policy addressing bribery, extortion and kickbacks, and commit to participate in anti-bribery training. TRACE membership recognizes Chindex Medical’s commitment to transparent business practices and underscores the company’s ability to serve as a better business partner for multinational corporations.

CEO of Chindex Medical commented in Shanghai “With the tightening of China regulatory environment, our company is further improving the compliance management system.
TRACE recertification is no doubt a strict inspection of our current compliance system and this will help us to lay a solid foundation for our future business development.”

TRACE is a non-profit membership association that pools resources to provide practical and cost-effective anti-bribery compliance solutions for multinational companies and their commercial intermediaries (sales agents and representatives, consultants, distributors, suppliers, etc.). TRACE provides several core services and products, including: due diligence reports on commercial intermediaries; model compliance policies; an online Resource Center with foreign local law summaries, including guidelines on gifts and hospitality; in-person and online anti-bribery training; and research on corporate best practices. For multinational companies, TRACE provides a practical and cost-effective alternative to increasingly expensive and time-consuming corporate compliance. For commercial intermediaries, TRACE offers a marketing advantage by creating a bridge between them and companies doing business internationally. For more information about TRACE, please visit www.TRACEinternational.org.”