

Let all TB patients get timely rescue and care

‘Shuangqian’ Action project co-sponsored by Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Association, Fosun foundation and Hongqi Pharma officially launch on 2016 World tuberculosis day with theme campaign
March 24, 2016 is the 21st world tuberculosis day, and the propaganda theme of China is “social work together eliminate TB”. In 2015, WHO puts forward the goal of globally ending TB till Year 2035, and our government also brings forward the goal of national health and Poverty Elimination. For this purpose, Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Association sets up “Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Non-profit Foundation”, and works with Fosun foundation together with Fosun Pharma member enterprises, Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaaceutical Co., Ltd. ( in short “Hongqi Pharma”) to sponsor a project of Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Non-profit Foundatio-¬¬¬¬n-------- TB poverty relief “Shuangqian Action”,
On March 22, 2016, the “Shuangqian Action” was launched on the theme campaign of world tuberculosis day hosted by the national health and family planning commission and Beijing municipal people’s government. On the same day, Chinese President Xi Jinping's wife Peng Liyuan,who is the the World Health Organization (WHO)'s goodwill ambassador for tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS, attends the activities, and she provided health package for migrant workers, and also expressed her sincere solicitude to medical workers attending free clinic and migrant workers.

“Shuangqian Action” project will last five years from Y2015 to Y2020, and it can at least help 1000 poor TB patients and sponsor RMB 1000 for each patient. Fosun foundation together with Fosun Pharma member enterprises, Hongqi Pharma will continue to support this project and provide sponsorship in many forms like fund, medicine.

TB poverty relief “Shuangqian Action” project officially launch
Fosun Foundation was established on Sep, 2012 during the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Fosun group. Adhering to the cultural values of ‘Self-improvement, Teamwork, Development, and Contribution to Society’ of Fosun Group, Fosun Foundation aims to inherit culture, support education, encourage youth entrepreneurship, spread health concept and charity.

TB is an infectious disease which cause serious damage to physical health of nationals in our country, and is also one of diseases that be put key control by our government. Tuberculosis is still one of the import reasons for some families to be poor because of sickness and be sick because for poor. Fosun medicine member enterprises, Hongqi Pharma will spare no effort to support the cause of China's anti-tuberculosis, and will continually innovate good product to service patients. "Shuangqian action" project officially launched from today! Hope to arouse Social enterprises and people from all walks of life with love to join actively in the donation team of Chinese Anti-tuberculosis Non-profit foundation to benefit more poor TB patients and families, through such non-profit action, it can influence more power from the society to joint efforts, and achieve the goal of globally ending TB.